Success Stories

#16. All women GPWSC

Formation of All women members Gram Panchayat Water Sanitation Committee has been initiated to promote active involvement of women in the Water supply Schemes of the Department. In this regard, village Dullat of Block Fathegarh Churian, Gurdaspur actively participated in the water related activities, motivate fellow women to save water and pay water bills on time and conducted monthly meetings. The proceedings of the meeting are recorded. GPWSC committee is very active and coordinates well with everyone and the community. The village has 100 percent connections and free of cost connection given to Gurdwara, Aganwari, dispensary.   The village generates an income of 16,000 per month and has an expenditure of Rs. 11000/-. GPWSC has a surplus amount of Rs. 62000/- in their O&M account. It has 172 water connections. They have done exemplary work during Covid, distributed Masks to villagers. They actively participated and celebrated all the occasions like- Girl Child Day, International Women’s Day and Teej Festival. The community responded well with the scheme, they were very happy with the scheme and cooperated with the decisions of the community.

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